Saturday 14 April 2007

Steve Bracks Profile

This is an interesting profile on the State Member for Williamstown and Premier of Victoria, Steve Bracks from The Brisbane Times, Fairfax's new online venture in Queensland.

It tells a bit of his history and gives an analysis of his current standing amongst the Premiers and in the national political scene.

I remember the glorious day when he won the election against Jeff Kennett in surprising circumstances. It seemed like the end of tyranny was nigh and that you could smell the Labor air.

All the scare-mongering of "the guilty party" has been proven meaningless by more than a decade of steady, popular and fiscally responsible government by Bracks and his ALP team.

On another note, I wonder what it is about Williamstown that two of the last three Premiers have been the local member.

Friday 13 April 2007

How times change

When I first lived in Williamstown in 1996, you could still buy a house for under $200,000. Granted it would have been in need of some TLC and maybe a full scale renovation, but it could be done.

Back then, there were precious little modern places built, now Williamstown has become funked up, real estate wise.

The Osborne Street house in this link is a case in point. Once, this sort of thing wouldn't have been seen outside Prahran, now Williamstown seems to have more and more places over the million dollar mark that bear no resemblance to the old worker's cottages that once dominated in this constantly gentrifying suburban village.

Monday 2 April 2007

Football pics

Here are some excellent pictures of the final practice match at Burbank Oval on 1st of April between Williamstown and North Ballarat.

Final score:
Williamstown def North Ballarat 20-16-136 to 13-8-86